Confirmed Sponsors
Email us at icom2023iitm@gmail.com
ICOM 2023 will be the first Indian conference on micro nano fluidics that aims at bringing the entire micro nano fluidics community in India and top-notch researchers around the world to a single platform. Undoubtedly, it will be a conference of the highest standard with some of the best researchers in the field as invited speakers, high-quality presentations selected through a rigorous review process, and a strong presence of industry.
ICOM 2023 will be a fantastic opportunity for industries engaged in micro nano fluidics research and product development, sales, or services to forge connections with the Indian micro nano fluidics research community and the best research groups worldwide. It will be indeed a golden opportunity for industries to understand the needs of prospective end-users and showcase their offerings.
If you wish to sponsor ICOM 2023 and would like to know more please go through the following link and email us at icom2023iitm@gmail.com
Email us at icom2023iitm@gmail.com